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Come for the Bass, Leave no Trace

Festival sustainability and you


Boomtown will soon return for Chapter 11 – this year with a huge press on minimising its environmental waste to make the event both enjoyable and sustainable.

Boomtown are hugely passionate about minimising the environmental impact, stating ‘the world is facing a real climate emergency and we must all change our habits and behaviours to actually make the real and urgent difference that is required.’ The site of the festival, The South Downs National Park, is a biodiverse area with a variety of species – some rare and endangered (eg. Barn owl, Adonis blue butterfly). As such, Boomtown wish the ‘look after the site to ensure these species will survive and flourish for future generations to come’.

Transport Modifications to reduce CO2 Emissions...

As 80% of CO2 emissions from festivals arise from transport alone, Boomtown are working hard to decrease these emissions.

They are:

  • Promoting public transport through coaches, shuttle buses and bike ride schemes to reach the festival
  • Donating £1 per car-park pass sold to Energy Revolution
  • Selling special Public Transport Saver tickets as incentive for attendees to make the switch

Minimising Campsite Waste...

Boomtown is taking further measures to minimise campsite waste as it is often littered with plastic wrappers, tents and broken disregarded items. Often, the majority of waste is taken to landfill or to be incinerated.

As such, the festival urge individuals to:

  • Pack lightly
  • Buy tents they can reuse
  • Share resources with friends
  • Tidy up throughout the festival
  • Or even book separate accommodation!

Boomtown have promised to also...

  • Develop the eco bond scheme (simplifying process of returning/recycling consumed items)
  • Recruit a green team around the site to educate/help attendees and to also work with organisations such as Every Can Counts and BUTTRFLY to raise awareness
  • Dedicated a section on Downtown Bowl to be an Eco Campsite to create a zero-waste space.


Boomtown are also reviving the iconic phrase Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

  • They are urging attendees to use the right bins, bring a reusable bottle and avoid dropping cigarettes.
  • In 2018, Boomtown signed the Drastic on Plastic pledge involving banning any plastic serveware and straws.
  • They’ve set a 40% recycling rate for this year, as well as putting in place volunteer teams to promote recycling.
  • They have also partnered with local food banks to donate any wasted food.

Food & Energy Use

Boomtown have also taken specific actions to minimise the impact of powering the event.

  • They have replaced high carbon energy with low or even zero carbon energy sources
  • Used only LED lighting
  • Reduced their overall energy demand/use
  • Ensuring they are using sustainable and recyclable materials and have implemented systems to prevent chemical contamination in wastewater
  • Boosted the amount of vegetarian and vegan stalls
  • Promoted a meat-free Monday for workers in the building process
  • Only used FairTrade products
  • Only used British free range meat and dairy products.

Boomtown have also partnered with various organisations including A Greener Festival, and Natural Event Compost Toilets, along with taking part in a variety of campaigns including Every Can Counts and Festival Vision 2025.

This year if you’re heading to Boomtown, spare a thought for the environment so you too leave no trace.

Boomtown Fair takes place on 7-12 August in the Matterley Estate, Ovington.


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