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Sunshine Cat Rescue

Responsible Pet Ownership

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Sunshine Cat Rescue's recommendations for responsible pet ownership in support of National Pet Month 1st April - 10th May 2021

Did you know an un-neutered cat can produce 20,000 descendants in 5 years?!!

Throughout the year our rescue works so hard to help people and their cats with problems that can be anything from helping with vets' bills to sorting out problems with a neighbour's marauding cat that is causing trouble all around the area, because he is un-neutered.

Male cats left un-neutered can cause endless problems, cat fights causing damage to other cats and sometimes carrying disease to other cats too.

Kittens as young as four months can become pregnant and if allowed out to roam can get lost too, leading to the possibility of a life of constantly producing kittens and ending up with a disease, in turn passed onto her kittens, something we should all want to avoid. So, to avoid kittens getting lost we should all want to get our cats/kittens microchipped. It is so easy to do and here at the rescue all our cats and kittens go to their new homes microchipped, the bit you as an owner have to do is keep the details up to date, not difficult is it?

At the rescue we often get calls for help when a cat escapes. It can be an indoor cat that has squeezed out of a window on a hot day or it might be a cat on its way to or from the vet. Please remember to check that your carriers are cat safe (not tied with string) and that all the catches on the door are there and working properly, it's too late once the cat has pushed his way out and run for the hills.

Cats escaping from the house are easier to catch because they usually stay somewhere nearby knowing food comes from inside the home. Therefore, we always suggest to the owner to put both the food and a litter tray out to encourage the cat back home.

Cats escaping from a carrier are more difficult and a trap is usually the answer but don't give up if he/she doesn't get caught straight away, it can take time (as much as several weeks) and patience, so never give up.


Thank you

For more information regarding adoption, sponsorship or donations please visit our website
facebook - @TheSunshineCatRescue


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